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Discrete Mathematics 1

Warning -- There may be something wrong with this question. Please inform your instructor including the warning messages below.

Please enter your username and password for MATH_1073_Fall_2018 below:

Site Information

Your username for WeBWorK courses is the same as your OBU login - everything that comes before the "" in your email address. So, for example, if Frank's OBU email address is, then his WeBWorK username is frank25.

The first time you login to your WeBWorK course, your password will be exactly the same as your username. So to continue our example above, Frank's initial password is frank25. You should immediately change your password upon your first successful login.

Note that WeBWorK passwords are not shared between courses. So if you have used WeBWorK before, you will still use the initial password as indicated above when logging into a new course. If you want your passwords for all WeBWorK courses to be the same, you will have to change them individually to the same password.

Also note that WeBWorK's system is case sensitive, so you should use only lowercase letters for your username and initial password.

WeBWorK Warnings

WeBWorK has encountered warnings while processing your request. If this occured when viewing a problem, it was likely caused by an error or ambiguity in that problem. Otherwise, it may indicate a problem with the WeBWorK system itself. If you are a student, report these warnings to your professor to have them corrected. If you are a professor, please consult the warning output below for more information.

Warning messages

  • Non-fatal warning: file /opt/webwork/courses/MATH_1073_Fall_2018/course.conf contains at least one character code which is not valid in UTF-8. (The copyright sign is often a culprit -- use '©' instead.)
  • While this is not fatal you should fix it

Request information

Time Sat Apr 27 02:04:33 2024
Method GET
URI /webwork2/MATH_1073_Fall_2018/